The Green Banner is a local directory of where to find fresh and local food from Port Mellon all the way to Pender Harbour. It is a free-to-the-public resource to promote local farms, producers and retailers with the goal to build a stronger local food system. A colour pallet, fonts, icons and a map were created to ensure this directory is easy to follow and read. This handy guide is available online as well as at local retailers and farmer’s markets. Please support your local businesses.


The Green Banner is a local directory of where to find fresh and local food from Port Mellon all the way to Pender Harbour. It is a free-to-the-public resource to promote local farms, producers and retailers with the goal to build a stronger local food system. A colour pallet, fonts, icons and a map were created to ensure this directory is easy to follow and read. This handy guide is available online as well as at local retailers and farmer’s markets. Please support your local businesses.